Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Dear Students,
here is the European Quality Label for our projects.
Best compliments!
Laura Rua

Monday, October 4, 2010


Vlad Gradinariu, 3CT Itis Pininfarina, has translated your poem "Save the Earth".
Here's the Italian version:


La Terra piange, cari bimbi!
Con piogge di lacrime brillanti,
E’ carica di tonnellate di spazzatura,
Ridiamogli indietro la speranza.

Le sue acque sono agitate
I suoi boschi muoiono,
Le nuvole sono piene di fumo
E le sue montagne vuote la feriscono.

I ghiacciai si sciolgono lentamente
I fiumi si addormentano secchi
E migliaia di piante muoiono silenziosamente
Senza aiuto, con i loro fiori caduti

Gli esseri spariscono miracolosamente
Probabilmente migreranno in un altro mondo;
Intorno a noi le malattie dilagano
Noi le guardiamo incapaci e molto sorpresi.

Venite bambini, ridiamo speranza alla Terra!
Liberiamola dalle malattie, aiutiamola a scegliere la vita.
A riempire il mondo di cartelli colorati,
E risvegliare il mondo alla sua realtà!

Thank you, Vlad for your help!
Laura Rua

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Italian Quality Label

BRAVO! Best Compliments to the Romenian and Italian students!
Laura rua

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Save the Earth, poetry

Pământul plânge, dragi copii!
Cu ploi, cu lacrimi sidefii,
E încărcat cu tone de gunoi,
Să îi redăm speranţa înapoi!

Apele lui sunt tulburi,
Pădurile îi mor,
Norii sunt plini de fumuri,
Iar munţii goi îl dor!

Gheţarii se topesc încet
Izvoarele adorm secate;
Şi mii de plante mor discret,
Neajutorate, cu florile lor poluate.

Vieţuitoarele dispar ca prin minune,
Probabil vor migra în altă lume;
În jurul nostru bolile pun stăpânire,
Noi le privim neputincioşi, cu grea uimire.

Veniţi copii, să îi redăm Pământului speranţa!
Să îl eliberăm de boală, să alegem viaţa.
Să umplem lumea de afişe colorate,
Să îi trezim pe oameni la realitate!

The author of this poetry is Adriana Serghiescu, 5th grade,Petru Rares National College, Beclean, Romania.

I would appreciate if one of you, talented students from Itis Pininfarina or Petru Rares College would translate it, to ENGLISH or ITALIAN. It is a challange for you. Let's see if anyone tries to do it.

The green house program

Beclean and another way of taking care of individuals and environment


Friday, July 30, 2010

Trees for the planet

Made by Silasi Lorena, Petru Rares National College, Beclean, Romania


Serghiescu Adriana, from 5th grade, Petru Rares National College Beclean thinks the forest is a spring of silence... She also believes the Children of the world have the power to keep the planet green and safe.Together we can.

A sunny childhood for a better world

In the vision of Diana Pop, 5th grade, Petru Rares National College, Beclean, Romania

Children of the world want a green planet

Sipos Georgiana, 5th grade student, Petru Rares National College, Beclean thinks it is all in unity. Do you agree?

Save the earth

Racan Daiana, 5th grade student from Petru Rares National College Beclean thinks Europe's children have a solution. Like it?

Let's get read of tears and make the Earth happy

The solution is joy and love.
And the drawings belong to Noemi, my five year old princess.

Let's create for the Earth

Catuna Denisa Maria, a 5th grade student from Petru Rares National College, Beclean, Romania wants to save the world and Europe trough multiculturality and unity. Do you like her idea?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Giorgio, Alberto and Marco have prepared this video as a contribution for the Earth Day.

This song was written by Pierangelo Bertoli, an Italian composer, poet and singer and is sung by Luciano Ligabue. We have chosen it for its content: we hope you'll like it.
Enjoy the video at the following link:

Itis Pininfarina

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Save the earth

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Save the EarthCreate your own slideshow - Powered by SmileboxFree photo slideshow generated with Smilebox">
Click to play this Smilebox slideshow: Save the Earth
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Free photo slideshow generated with Smilebox

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our partners


Our presentation

We have learned from you how to make a movie presentation, a funny one, so we started playing... Here is the result:


Hello from Romania

I have created this page for our partners, we will try to post our materials here too, so you can see what have we created and post comments...

It is indeed a pleasure being your co-workers.